Giancarlo “Hollywood Pépé” Capaz was born in 1979 in Roque de Pico, a small island off the Acores of Portugal. His mother, Fatima Zara, was also born there in the mid 50’s and has never set foot off the island. With only a few thousand souls on the island, she was forced to marry a local fisherman, Salgado Saco (Which would translate to Salty Sack). He was twice her age but a hard worker, dedicated, humble and great provider for his family. They lived a

He took a chance and moved to Hollywood and did a few auditions to become an actor. After a few refusals, he made it! Made it to the big times and became the idol of many teens when he starred on the hit series Beverly Hills 90210. His boyish good looks brought him to the craziest parties, mingling with high society and living life in the fast lane. Often seen in wild night clubs with former friend David Hasseloff where they would drink themselves to the verge of insanity. After a few seasons it caught up to him. The party life slowly turned his body into a disaster; the cocaine and drinking binges made him irritable to a level where nobody wanted to hangout with him, not even the Hoff.

He started a boy band to turn his career around. “The Nash” never made it to big scene, mostly stuck lip-synching in strip malls of Albuquerque, New Mexico. Hollywood Pépé was starting to get low on cash; the Courvoisier and Cocaine parties were things from the past. He resulted in mostly drinking Colt45 and taking hits from the bong in the back of his van.
GC had reached the bottom of the barrel, spending his days watching Canuck’s game on his 12” TV.

Fans can’t wait to see him back in action next Monday @ 8:30 when the Shocker’s play their first game of the Winter ‘09 edition.

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