Despite Capaz going on the record to deny all allegations that he had any relations with Mangiola it does explain last seasons dramatics when he showed up to some games wreaking of vodka and swedish rose pedals. Some rumors from the locker room even stated that Capaz was seen transporting large quantities of Columbian cocaine in his goalie bag, however, Capaz insists that baking soda and flour was on special at Costco and he was holding onto it for a friend.
While the NHL is looking into the cases of the Kostitsyns and Hamrlik, NABHL has not taken any action to investigate further into Capaz's case.
Shockers' organization did not comment on the rumors circling their star goaltender but team captain, Alain "Wizzle-Wazzle" Godard did have a couple of words for the press: "As long as he is playing well, who gives a deuce!? Everyone likes to live life on the edge, drinking malt, and banging hoes with no rubbers!"
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