With the playoffs just days away we have received a flooding of good luck messages from around the world and even from outer space! Here are a few big names that have sent their wishes of victory:

Will Ferrell took a time-out from his busy movie making schedule to send us this postcard of happy haps. On the back of the postcard, Will confessed that he actually did give the Shocker to his lovely movie-mate (see pictorial for the deets, biotch!)

NASA sent along a this picture of one of their one with the Shocker foam hand. They told us to keep it top secret but we couldn't resist...several members of our staff have gone "missing" since this posting.

Barack Obama may be the most respected man in the world right now but he admits there is a bunch of "dudes who [he] feel and bang wit." While we're still lost in gangster-lingo translation, we'll accept his tribute to the Shockers during his balls busy campaign route.

From Presidents to former President's daughter, Jenna Bush. This ex-U.S.A. royalty, turned gang-banger once she saw the Shockers play last summer during her break from school. While she is familiar with most of the Shocker's members, she is looking forward to meeting and greeting the remainder she did not tackle last time. 'Sup Jenna, holla at cha' boyz!

Jack "MOFO" Bauer or also known to most of the Shockers as O'Kiefer is more than just a loyal fan of the team but also can be as an accountable main character to several drinking stories with some of the team members.

I didn't even have to open Photoshop for this one, enough said. I know, I know, it's too goddam perfect! The best part is, I didn't even pay for the meal!

Terry Fox discovered the Shockers back in the day...when none of us were even born. Christopher Lloyd took me back in time in the DeLorean...the magic of the flux capacitor continues!

Even though this guy cannot be taken seriously since his gay relationship with Ben "Dover" Who-fleck and the movie Team America: World Police probably ruined his life, the nice chap took a picture of him with the foam hand as well as the concentrated "I"m giving you the Shocker, bitch!" face for us. Thanks....MATT DAMON! *retard voice*

The myth, the legend himself, Bill "I f**king hate JELLO" Cosby traded in his J-E-L-L-O routine for a good old fashion 3 finger pounding! BOO YA!

Even though Dave Chappelle is an icon in most people's eyes, the yound man admits that he is a huge fan of Jeff Jasmin. When Jasmin heard the news he laid out his best impression of "I'm Rick James, bitch!" Chappelle was not amused and has since returned our calls...good thing we took this picture beforehand. Does Jeff Jasmin have to choke a bitch?
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